Let me start off the room was clean but climate controls did not work properly. Almost every chanel on the TV was not clear but luckily we could cast to it. Ice machine access was not convient, only two out of 7 floors had one to use. They advertise a full breakfast, well that is a false statement. First the powered eggs were absolutely disgusting. Susage was tastless. There was no bacon, no waffle or pancakes, no muffins or doughnuts, no hash browns, only two kinds of generic cereal, milk in a open pitcher barely covered in ice, the yogurt had obviously been frozen and was watery and tasteless. They had two types of bread that you could put in a well used toaster. There was no orange juice or any juice for that matter. The coffee machine had alot of choices but only half worked. Most of the tables were broken and not clean. The gym was a joke 1 bike, 1 treadmill and one eliptical. The whole hotel had this wierd smell. The whole experience was not worth the money spent. I have stayed at $80 a night hotels that were much nicer and deffinetly better breakfast.